Cartersville Downtown Commercial Historic District

Cartersville, Georgia

The Cartersville Downtown Historic District is significant as a good example of a downtown business district that served as the commercial center of the county and region. Carterville exists as it does today largely as the result of three major factors: its location in the Etowah Valley; the siting of transportation routes (first the railroad and later the highways); and its status as the county seat of Bartow County.  The district was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2014.


Cartersville is the county seat of Bartow County, located in northwest Georgia, approximately 45 miles from downtown Atlanta. The district boundary includes both commercial and community landmark buildings as well as a public downtown square. The railroad tracks run north-south through downtown and the district features a public square.  The central commercial core consists primarily of one- and two-story, attached, brick, storefront buildings. The district is surrounded by historic and modern commercial and residential development of a different context and period.


Ray, Ellis & LaBrie Consulting (REL) prepared the National Register nomination for the Cartersville Downtown Historic District . The project included a context study, adaption of boundaries, photographic documentation, as well as all required forms for the State of Georgia Historic Preservation Division and the National Park Service.

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