COVID-19 Update

APR 14, 2020 — In an effort to keep our clients informed we wanted to provide an update regarding the effects of COVID-19 and other circumstances regarding review of applications to the SHPO and NPS reviewers during this unprecedented pandemic. Like most of the nation, both the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Technical Preservation Services  of the National Park Service (NPS) are teleworking. This means that approximately once a week each reviewer will check in to their office to coordinate retrieval of applications and files as needed to work from home. They still may be contacted by email and phone. Both SHPO and NPS are still accepting applications. The logging in and dissemination to reviewers may take longer than anticipated given disinfecting practices and teleworking of reviewers. 

Ray, Ellis & LaBrie Consulting, LLC (REL) has always maintained a flexible work environment where employees already work from home most days. Given the circumstances of COVID-19 we plan to continue our teleworking policy, and restrict meeting and site attendance with groups as appropriate. We appreciate your patience as we may experience delays due to the availability of agency personnel and disruption to local auxiliary services.

In circumstances where project completion is unable to be put on hold, REL will advise on best practices, but any work completed prior to approval by SHPO/NPS is at the risk of the applicant. We appreciate your understanding in light of these circumstances, and we at REL will continue to advocate for your projects.

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