Ray, Ellis & LaBrie Consulting was founded in 1992 by the late Bamby Ray as Ray & Associates. She was joined by Marion Ellis early on and the name was changed to Ray & Ellis is 2010. Marion and Bamby worked on a number of projects including the Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills, the Hotel Roxy, and the Highland School Lofts. Sadly, Bamby Ray passed away in July 2012. In 2015, Brian LaBrie, of LaBrie Consulting, LLC, joined Ray & Ellis as an Architectural Historian and Partner, thus forming Ray, Ellis & LaBrie Consulting.

Marion Ellis, Brian LaBrie, Emily TaffMarion Ellis, Brian LaBrie and Emily Taff are Ray, Ellis and LaBrie.


Marion Ellis, Senior Partner— Marion Ellis is originally from Germany and has lived in Atlanta since 1991. She has been part of Ray, Ellis & LaBrie Consulting for over twenty-five years and has been a partner in the business since 2010. She is an experienced project manager for multi-million dollar rehabilitation projects resulting in local and federal tax incentives and is highly versed in preparing all state and federal applications for listing a building on the National Register. She conducts extensive research to highlight the history and identify character-defining elements of a building. She assures renovation and rehabilitation is successfully achieved without jeopardizing the integrity of a building or the tax credits for a developer.

Marion has been highly successful in negotiation and liaison between developers and reviewers from the State Historic Preservation Division and the National Park Service to guarantee substantial tax credits.

Brian LaBrie, Partner & Architectural Historian — Brian is a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design Historic Preservation program (2001) and has been working in the field of historic preservation planning since 2001. In 2015 he merged his firm with Ray and Ellis forming Ray, Ellis & LaBrie Consulting. His extensive work in both the public (city and county), private, and agency (National Park Service and State Historic Preservation Office) sectors has included work at such sites as Caneel Bay Resort, St. John, USVI; Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, Plains, GA; McLeod Plantation, Charleston, SC; The Carnegie Building at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA; and Waynesboro High School in Waynesboro, GA. He is known as a great communicator and negotiator between clients, State Historic Preservation Office and National Park Service reviewers.

Brian is a qualified Architectural Historian per the National Park Service standards, published in the Code of Federal Regulations, 36 CFR Part 61. He is also 1.06b Prequalified with the Georgia Department of Transportation.

Emily Cavett Taff, Architectural Historian — Emily has been with Ray, Ellis & LaBrie Consulting since 2015. In a previous life she was a graphic designer and worked in New York City as a book designer. Today she loves the opportunity to meld her graphic design background with her passion for preservation. She earned her Masters in Historic Preservation at Georgia State University in 2012 and has worked on projects around Georgia and Atlanta with various organizations including the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. She is a Mississippi native, but as both a University of Georgia and a Georgia State University graduate feels solidly at home in Georgia.